Well, today I attempted to do something I've been avoiding for a long time.... Washing my car. I know it sounds simple, but I have a fear of getting trapped in the auto wash line up and then having to poop. There's no way out, your only option is to wait out the line, have your car washed and then go home with your pants full of poo. Well, I've been feeling well lately, bought my wash code a couple weeks ago, finally today I used it. The line was long, it was right after dinner (my first mistake) but I decided I could wait it out, about
8 cars in front of me. Well, after I reached the point of no return I started to have some real anxiety, getting hot, sweaty almost, little panicky, but I took some deep breaths and turned up the music to distract me. about
two cars were done at this point and I had the urge to have a BM
I thought, oh god, it's happening. I immediately worked out how my walk of shame would go, reminding myself I'm in my car, nobody will know if I crap my pants, another car went, the feeling to poop passed. It came and went several more times, but I managed to hold it. There was one VERY close call where I thought it was happening, but I let out a little gas and survived. So, long story short, I went and washed my car, had to poop, but HELD it in like a normal person
Colon-69,546 ... Me-1 , lol.