@Kiptyn - That's awesome. Congrats on feeling a little better! Must be nice to have a bit of a break from the daily UC grind. To cool.
Bactericidal effect of grape seed extract on methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
/www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jts/35/3/35_3_357/_pdfForgetting the whole MRSA thing altogether - they imaged the effect of Grape Seed Oil on the bacteria. Interestingly (and perhaps not so surprisingly) Grape Seed Oil (on various bacteria aside from MSRA in other studies) has the identical effect WOO has on various bacteria - essentially making them "spill out their guts" for lack of a better term - see the above paper were they imaged them.
More interesting and important is some people ARE in fact responding to either to your Grape Seed Oil or the WOO thing. I've also noticed a few that did not respond (to WOO) seemed to give up fairly quickly (a few weeks), whereas the few that stuck it out (for a few months) seem to have a fairly remarkable changes. This seems to perhaps hold true to Grape Seed Oil as well.
So it seems there's two, natural, realistic, and easily accessible compounds - Grape Seed Oil and Wild Oregano Oil that people could try and perhaps see a lot of benefit from if they gave it a good honest go. Maybe not everyone, but heck, even a small percentage with substantial improvement is great if there's consistent results.
I'd like to hear from some others that might have tried or be currently trying this.
Also - One quick question. I noticed you take Vit D - I did not see my major "click" and return to normal once a day poop till I added 10,000I.U. of Vit A along with Vitamin D with each dose of oil. I'm curious if you or anyone else tried this as well and if it helped?
I know Tunnel on here seemed to see some results from the two combined. Would be interesting to find some valid options that help manage symptoms in both forms of IBD........ Even if they had to be combined with traditional meds for optimum results.