Posted 7/24/2014 9:04 PM (GMT 0)
Hi everyone,
Just got back from the hospital where I had a colonoscopy done by my GI doc. He found inflammation on parts of my colon and told me I had ulcerative colitis. He took biopsies and those results should be back in a week he said.
Just a few questions...
Last year, May 2013, I started having very violent and bloody bowel movements with very sudden onset. Prior to this, I was throwing up every day 2-3 times a day while still eating everything (diet was normal, had normal amounts of meat, etc.). I feel like I was vulnerable to infection and ate something bad. The symptoms were severe, lots of pain, and lots of diarrhea. Went to the hospital, my current GI doc though ulcerative colitis, but most of the other doctors working on me didn't find anything. Took a two week course of vanco, and the symptoms completely cleared up.
One month later, my GI doc did a colonoscopy, and found my colon all clear. Took biopsies and nothing. All was well until the next incident.
Fast forward to February of this year (9 months after original colitis incident, no diagnosis of UC). I got cellulitis in my foot and was treated with cephalexin and clindamycin. Totally fine bowel movements in the hospital, but then as I was discharged (was in the hospital for 4-5 days), next day I got home, I started having bloody stool. No other symptoms at all, just bloody stool. Thought c diff or hemorrhoids. Bloody stool got much worse over the next few months until I started having a change in bowel movements as well as pain and cramping. Lots of blood in my stool consistently. I thought the most likely thing was c diff because I was treated with clindamycin and was also hospitalized for a few days.
My uncle who is a doctor saw me in his office and ordered a stool test and some blood tests. Did those, stool tests came back negative for c diff, but did come back positive for white blood cells. He put me on a two week course of flagyl (500 mg 4x a day) and see what happens. I took the flagyl and the symptoms cleared up after about a week. However, toward the end of the course, I did start bleeding again for some reason. But 2-3 days after the course ended, my symptoms disappeared. There was one day like two weeks later I started having bloody mucus in the stool, but it was really minor. For the most part, I have been 98% free of all symptoms.
My GI doc did the colonoscopy today...about 3-4 weeks after my course of flagyl...and found some inflammation in my colon still. He think its a continuation of my colitis last year, but I don't know about that. He diagnosed me with UC and I am kind of stunned, but I am also confused about if he is right or not.
My questions are this...
1. Can Ulcerative Colitis be diagnosed when it is in remission? If my colon was all clear, and my biopsies came out negative, and the antibiotic (vancomycin) completely stopped all symptoms, is it possible I had UC back then?
2. Can flagyl help UC flares this much? The difference before and after the course of flagyl has been night and day. I was bleeding all the time and had malformed stools, and now my stools form pretty normally and 98% of the time without any blood.
Just confused. I'm wondering about getting a second opinion.