Antibiotics are thought to be a trigger for many people.
Yet antibiotic treatment does not work well for UC.
Antibiotics cause the mucus to loose viscosity.
Perhaps they do not work so well in established UC,because they cannot penetrate biofilms all that well.
Antibiotics cause disruption of bacterial populations for at least 6 months,perhaps longer.
Even if you kill the bacteria on the mucosa,does not necessarily mean the mucus layer or mucosa will repair quickly,it might,dont know for sure.
Even in the absence of immune contact with the bacteria,perhaps the immune cascade will not shut
down so fast,again don't know.
With longer term UC there is dysbiosis and increased protease activity which dissolves mucus.
Killing some bacteria will not necessarily correct the dysbiosis, which I believe much of it
to be caused by the immune system.
Yet in some FT works,probably corrects dysbiosis and lowers protease activity,then if the mucus can be maintained the disease goes into remission.
Protease inhibitors work,only been tested in a small number of people,but provides
clues that fix the mucus,the disease will remit.
All kinds of unanswered questions, we still have MAP infection as a possible.
Detergents,emuslifers in food,toothpaste and skin absorbtion thinning mucus,chemicals,pesticides,chlorinated water
oral bacteria pathogens in colon,who knows.
Not enough of the right amino acids,to feed goblet cells to make mucus when they are under stress. 5asa drugs are biostatic,pred thickens mucus.
But as far as I can tell,no mucus breach initially or repaired quick,no UC.
The question always comes down to why us,and not everyone else also.
If I knew,would be cured.
Old Mike
Post Edited (Old Mike) : 8/2/2014 5:28:14 PM (GMT-6)