Dear all! I've been following your forum since I was diagnosed with UC and it's been very helpful.
Being on azathioprine for 1.5 years, I had a relatively good time with only one mild flare in the summer of 2013 which was quickly resolved with "combo" enemas (3mg beclomethasone and 1gr mesalazine).
Now I developed another flare over 2 weeks ago which is slowly getting worse (toilet visit 6-7 times a day, very gooey, liquid pap-looking like stool with lots of mucous (sorry about
the details!!!), but no blood, and frequent cramps).
I've been using daily the enemas again for 10 days now with no improvement.
I'm wondering whether you had previous experience with enemas where they started working after 2 weeks or longer? Can I wait longer for them to work or am I making it worse? I'm thinking now, it's not as bad as my previous serious flares when I had to use the toilet over 10 times a day with lots of blood, so maybe I can wait?
I'm afraid that if enemas don't work I have to start on prednisolone, which was not very effective for me in the last flare and has terrible side effects. That's why I'm really hoping for the enemas to work...
On the other hand if the flare is all over the colon then the enemas are probably not as effective since they will not reach everywhere.
Anything else I could try besides prednisolone? I just heard about
Budesonide (aka cortiment, entocort, symbicort, uceris) which may be as effective but less side effects so I will discuss it with my doctor.
Anything else perhaps?
Finally, I also have a constant mild fever around 37.8-38 Celsius and the fact that this flare is not going as quickly bad as previously, makes me think there might be bacteria involved... But since I live in Netherlands, it takes long for the doctors to take extra steps so will give a stool analysis on Monday and then it may take another few days for results...
Thanks a lot for your help!!!