Hi there! My name's Leanne. I was diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis last November at the age of 18, and after my first ever flare (which I was hospitalised for just over a week for), managed to stay in pretty steady remission for nearly 6 months. I currently take 8x 500mg Pentasa tablets a day along with a 1G Salofalk enema at night.
The reason for this post is because I am experiencing my first 'proper' flare up since my diagnosis. I've definitely had my fair share of small flares throughout the year but overall have been very lucky until now.
I started off feeling very gassy about
three weeks ago which I didn't think much of as that's quite common for me, but it soon progressed to a bit of blood in my stool, which I probably stupidly didn't take much notice of either because blood has come and gone by itself all year. As you can probably guess, this then turned into bloody diarrhoea - at which point I contacted my GI. My UC seems to be a bit strange in the fact that once I start a flare up I only have diarrhoea for a couple of days before all I pass is blood and mucus (when it is stool it's surprisingly formed, sorry for tmi!). At the point of contacting my GI I was feeling constant urgency and passing a LOT of blood about
15+ times a day with a fair amount of pain. Doc decided that the best plan of action would be to start a course of Prednisolone (30mg) and taper down every ten days, and was pretty confident that it would do the trick as steroids is what cleared my first flare up. However, 4 days into the course I was surprisingly experiencing no side effects from the steroids, and my flare only seemed to be getting worse. I questioned my IBD Nurse on when I should start noticing change, and she said it could take up to a week before seeing improvement, and to stay on the higher dose of steroids for another ten days before tapering. I'm now 13 days into the course and feel no better. I'm still experiencing urgency, still passing a lot of blood 10+ times a day, and generally feeling exhausted.
I have a colonoscopy scheduled for the 3rd of December too which I am absolutely dreading. I've had a sigmoidoscopy before with no sedation and found it quite tolerable, but am very wary of the sedation that comes with a full colonoscopy - always hearing horror stories about
people still feeling a lot of pain! I'm also a very anxious person so the thought of feeling 'drunk' or out of it really frightens me.
I'm not really sure why I'm posting, I think I just feel very overwhelmed at the moment as I'm so used to my flares being quite fleeting. It's really concerning me that I'm noticing nothing in regards to the prednisolone. I mentioned to my GI that I was on 40mg last year rather than this dose of 30mg, but he said that 30 is the maximum dose for my weight right now. Sorry for such a rambly post, I think I just needed a place to get all of this out. Please tell me there's a light at the end of the tunnel!
Thank you so much for any advice, I feel a bit alone with all of this right now.