I know there have been many discussions here about
stress and its contribution to UC and flare ups. I don't think it's a controversial idea that stress plays a part in the symptoms we experience and for some of us may have had a role in us getting UC in the first place.
I dunno if there's been a thread on having anxiety disorders/depression and initially triggering UC.
I'm 22 and have been battling an eating disorder and OCD for a few years now. Both are characterized as anxiety disorders. Prior to getting treatment for them, I was always anxious and stressed out. It got in the way of developing relationships with people. I felt outcast and alone. I always felt on edge. I was always incredibly analytical and was always thinking deeply in a way that was very stressful and found it very hard to stop until I realized that my problems were rooted in OCD.
I developed UC after being in the hospital for cellulitis. A month prior, I began treating my OCD in addition to my eating disorder and treating the OCD as well totally changed things for me. I was feeling so great and stress free. After years of constant anxiety, it finally felt like the weight was lifted, and so quickly.
I initially attributed the antibiotics that treated the cellulitis to me getting UC, and maybe those did have a big effect. But now I'm wondering if the relief from the constant anxiety may have contributed, much like how those who stop smoking can end up with UC a few months later. I was stressed out in the hospital over a few things, but I also felt a lot less stressed than usual.
I spoke with a friend about
this. He spends a lot of time helping people with anxiety disorders and is a former sufferer himself. He doesn't have UC, but he has noticed a trend that many people he works with end up getting autoimmune diseases and knows a few others with UC. He doesn't claim causation either way, but he thinks there may be a connection between the two, and linked me to a study.
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1731788/. Not conclusive, but interesting.
It's confusing. There are probably many factors going on. So i'll simplify this and ask: Have any of you had a history of anxiety or depression before being diagnosed with UC? Were you usually stressed out? Do you think it may have contributed to you getting UC for the first time? Do you think it personally contributes to your flare ups?