BV said...
Hang in there! Sulfazine is the most basic, there are several other options to step up treatment. My teen son went from sulfazine to Remicade in a short 3 months as we got no relief from sulfazine. Although this disease is different for different people but here's what helped my son to remain in remission for a year - daily probiotics (vsl#3 2x daily), gluten-free diet, no red meats (known to be inflammatory). I think exercising diet control and having probiotics is a good practice to stay healthy. Also, docs haven't told me this but I think anxiety and stress can trigger this disease too, at least in my son's case that is distinct possibility. So try to do things to de-stress, meditation and sitting still and being aware and mindful is a good practice too. All the best!
Thank you so much :) This is really helpful.