twingirl812 said...
Thoreau, do you remember what anti nausea drug you were given? Do you recall why you stopped the 6MP?
I believe I was given Zofran. I wasn't given enough to take it daily, just enough for times when it was bad I guess. I did not end up using a lot of it.
I stopped 6mp because I got to a point where I was not in full remission, and according to the labs they drew raising the dosage would endanger my liver.
I actually like 6mp/Imuran as an option for people that don't do well on mesalamines. I remember a bit of a sick feeling and fatigue from the drug that did not ever go away... BUT, I am uber sensitive to ANY medicine. Way more so than most people. I personally have experienced way worse things because of Remicade I believe, though most do fine on it as well.
I am in remission on no medication currently (stopped due to severe pain I associate with Remicade). I am fully considering trying Imuran or 6mp.
Do keep in mind that 6mp and Imuran are the same thing, but are metabolised differently... so you could ask around or research and see if one of them was more prone to causing nausea. I did hear about
a shortage of Imuran though; not sure if that is still the case or not now... was 3-6 months ago.
You will get to a good spot with this.