It is speculated that hydrogen sulfide in excess past our ability to detoxify it can damage the bowel.
It is also a signaling molecule.
Eating excessive meat can also produce more taurine conjugated bile.
Promoting excessive SRB's.
Excessive heme iron is also not good.
Prior to my son presenting with UC he had massive smelly sulfur farts that would clear a room for 15 minutes.
He ate a lot of meat at the time.
My guess there is more than one way to damage the colon barrier, this perhaps is one.
If you chew pepto bismol tablets your tongue will most likely turn black is spots, and if you take enough
so will your stool. This is b I s m u t h sulfide, the b I s m u t h reacts with hydrogen sulfide,from SRB's.
I had to space the letters in b I s m u t h, for some reason the site sensors the word bi****h.
Old Mike