beatUC said...
Pop/Soda, like energy drinks are very addicting, but yes people are free to buy & drink them. But I just don't get the attraction, even on a hot summer day, pop just makes you more thirsty and you get a big comedown when the sugar wears off. When I see people buying 12 packs of this crap, it just makes me think they are stupid and usually grossly overweight. This being a health forum, it just seems like most of you would know better. Just look at the ingredients and look at the fat asses of the people who drink this stuff every day. Enough said...
I know this used to be a health forum. Some days now it looks more like a scolding forum. Really, the food police run amok here. If I gave up everything someone here told me was bad for me, I'd have starved to death years ago. Maybe more support and less judgement would be an improvement?