isleman said...
Hi hope you are still doing well. I've been drinking sarsaparilla root tea since reading your post and believe it's helping. Many thanks for sharing.
Hi, I am doing very well! Sounds good to hear, my only thing is I believe the more original the form, the better. Like, it may or may not be an issue in tea form cuz then it gets diluted in water, and that kind of thing. Just an opinion though.
An update for anyone concerned...
I have still been taking sarsaparilla, (and burdock only when I can handle having to pee cuz I have since learned it's a diuretic) religiously now. Seven days a week, I take it in capsule form, 4-8 pills a day. And I still have had more energy than I have ever had in my life, and my UC is nonexistent! On a percentage based scale, I'd estimate maybe 10% of my bm's have had blood in it. And the times I do, I'm pretty sure its like fissures or something cuz it will only be after the bm, or at the end, there will be some blood. I rarely have urgency to go, I wouldn't say any more often than "regular" people who don't have an official IBD diagnosis. I haven't been to a doctor since my issues with anemia back at the beginning of last year, so I don't have any tangible data to say that I don't have any issues with ulcerations in the colon, or the condition of my blood. But I do have what I know personally. My other empirical proof is that I have been working at Fed ex since before my original post, loading trailers. Very physical work, it requires energy and not having to run to the bathroom all the time. And I will say, I've literally had just about
limitless energy since taking my regimen of sarsaparilla/burdock! Lifting super heavy boxes, and avoiding over exertion are still things to stay aware of, but I don't get tired (if I'm sleepy I still get sleepy, I mean where I have to stop cuz I'm tired). And I don't have never had to run to the bathroom, except to pee :D
I really do not think you can take too much of it, just being my own guinea pig, I have had 0 issues taking more than the recommended amount. Taking more of it, gives me even more energy, and also means I have to buy it more frequently (where I live, they have a natural health food store that sells it for the same price as if I were to buy it online). The brand I get is solaray, I like their guarantee that it is not genetically modified in any way.
So I know there are people who will not believe things cuz of wikipedia, or whatever. All I can do is put my personal experience about
it, out there, based on my own unorthodox research. :D I personally feel fortunate to have learned about
it tho.