zengrrl said...
When you're using Mesalamine enemas, your urine can appear brown/dark red in a recently bleached bowl. I assume hospitals bleach daily.
Please see http://journals.lww.com/jpgn/Fulltext/2013/05000/A_Curious_Case_of_Red_Brown_Urine_in_a_Child.30.aspx
wow, you guys are amazing.
Now that i look back the cleaning lady had just cleaned my room and the bathroom, and i remember the strong smell of bleach and was wondering why they would use bleach around sick people? isnt cleaning with bleach terrible. Anyways, when i went to the toilet there were foamy bubbles still in the toilet (i guess she didn't flush after she cleaned the bowl) i also recall the urine didnt turn that redish brown colour until after it hit the water. pretty amazing stuff..
I'm home today. I'm significantly better. Ive only had 2 bms today (first one was the enema) and second one was formed and semi loose which is a great improvement from the bloody mess i had just days ago. I just picked up my extremely large package of meds from the pharmacy. (I guess i didn't realize how many shopping bags 60 enemas would be) Anyways im making progress and staying extremely positive during all of this mess. Other than being exhausted im really happy to be back home.