aguywithuc said...
Have you ever tried PABA in regards to your adrenals ?
Yes, as a part of B complex. But general adrenal "tonics" don't work for me as I most likely have secondary adrenal insufficiency (this is when your pituitary doesn't produce enough ACTH which is supposed to tell adrenals to produce Cortisol and DHEA among many). Basically, my pituitary is half asleep
. It's also lazy when it comes to TSH and hence hypothyroidism. It's a strange disease and requires complete replacements of many hormones. I doubt too many people would be interested in this so back to UC... After spending quite some time on the pubmed it looks like the following hormones favor mucosal healing:
GH, DHEA, Estrogen, Progesterone
A very simple and cheap solution is to take DHEA which will raise GH a little and Estradiol for sure. For as long as your Estradiol is within the range, you're fine. I had a good luck with Progesterone for low abdomen and back cramps because it's a great muscle relaxant. If you're spasmic while in a flare, it helps. Also, if you're doing Testosterone, your Progesterone will naturally be lower because of LH/FSH suppression that results in your gonads producing less Progesterone (in males, most of the Testo and Progesterone are produced by gonads). Another reason to take Progesterone is that it counters the higher Estradiol levels produced by DHEA therapy or when they're age-related. Progesterone helps with insomnia and some forms of depression. It's probably the safest hormone of all because when you take in excess it often spills into extra... Cortisol. That's right, so you end up getting more anti-inflammatory action for free in the worst case. So borrow your wife's progesterone cream or grab it all for yourself on Amazon
Looks like Testosterone may be the least helpful when it comes to colitis. It does well with derma-level repairs but not the mucosal ones and many sources suggests it may be pro-inflammatory.