Carioke65 said...
Hi! I have had UC for 11 years , usually it was proctitis and the flare didn't last that long. This colonoscopy in July, showed my UC has spread up 18 inches. In the past high doses of Prednisone didn't work, tried Remicade, I can't tolerate the Mesalamines, went on Humira last year for a flare- had to stop due to severe injection sight hives.
In a very bad flare-now, so before trying Entyvio - which is extremely expensive, my Doc said try Humira, again. Had my third shot and today am so much worse. If it is going to work at all, about how long does it take to kick in? I have no quality of life- and I don't know what to do.
Hi Carioke65,
I empathize and completely understand how you feel, but alas cannot make comments about
your drug therapy as I know nothing about
I was diagnosed and hospitalised with UC when I was 31, recovered after being given intravenous pred. and oral sulfasalazine, hence managed to avoid surgery, but I was told it was touch and go at one point!
Now I'm 61 and having problems again, but not having access to quality modern drug therapy I am having to use diet, TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), and probiotics in the form of Yakult.
Can I suggest that you look carefully at what you are eating. You'd be amazed at what can cause flare-ups and aggravation to your gut on a daily basis.
I have had to cut out lots of things to help me stabilize my condition.
Also eat smaller meals and often. Eight small meals is better than four big ones when you have a damaged gut, and never eat late, meaning after 9pm.
A few suggestion as to what may be causing trouble are:
Beef, anything fried, too much fibre, too much animal fat (butter, cream, cheese), coffee, ice cream, fish that have no scales, squid, biscuits (which are terribly high in sugar) as well as cream cakes and doughnuts covered in sugar with sweet filings.
If you fry food I suggest you stop and turn to steam or water for cooking. However if you really must fry use high quality extra virgin olive oil as this is bio-degradable and hence less damaging to your body.
Hope I have helped in some small way.