cat1211 said...
My doctor has mentioned trying stronger medicines. The stronger meds make me very nervous
What you've been doing isn't working, 4 flares in 2 years. I was scared of progressing to immunomodulators and biologics as well, as the side effects sound scary. I've now been both immunomodulators and biologics for two years, I have yet to have one side effect, and I've stayed in remission.
It really helps to weigh the risks against the benefits. What are the odds these medications will help improve you uc symptoms? It's 60+ percent.
What are the odds these medications will give you the scary side effects? It's less than 1%. It's 0.04 percent for immunomodulators and 0.06 percent for biologics. Those are hardly numbers to loose sleep over. The Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America is the source for these statistics:
: odds of untreated uc inflammation causing cancer far outweigh the risks of immunomodulators and biologics. Prednisone is a rescue medication that should be used as infrequently as is possible, since repeated and long-term use of prednisone will cause irreversible side effects to your body (such as glaucoma, type ii diabetes, or osteoporosis). All good reasons to get into a long, solid remission.