Hey guys,
I found a very old post on here about the joint pain associated with UC, and wanted to see what people have experienced recently. Mine just started a month ago after I started getting WAY better with the bowel symptoms (I almost don't go enough now -- 1x a day--- it's great!). However, I started having joint pains when being a bit more active and going on simple walks/hikes: balls of my feet, knees, and swollen fingers which didn't make sense; also elbows, ankles, wrists, etc. My doc thinks it's just the extra-fun symptom that 30% of people get, but I've never experienced it in my dozen years with the disease. So I am rather bummed about that, just getting active again and getting derailed. We are trying low-dose naltrexone. I am on all-naturopathic treatment otherwise (which is working with the few tweaks last month). I just started it 3 days ago and it seems to help minorly during the day but the night (after 5pm) is the worst even when I've been resting as much as possible (limiting walking or typing). It just seems to be worse this past week when I've severely limited activity; usually walking with a limp or shuffle to avoid pain. I feel weak and busted and so disappointed I can't be getting outside and active.
Has anyone tried the LDN before for their UC in general, or joint pain of it specifically? I am supposed to see if it works within a few days, then a few weeks on this dose before titrating up. I feel like it helps a little from waking to early evening then wears off, and at night is the worst. I may have pain when walking during the day, but just sitting I don't feel much; at night my joints are throbbing all over the place. (I take the 1.5mg dose before bedtime). I tried some other joint-related things like icing, heating pad, tiger balm, etc, the weekend prior before this med, but nothing seems to really help that much. Any tips or experience-sharing appreciated.