Stereo- Thanks for your sentiments. Each member of my family whom had passed on due to UC complications had great difficulty managing their conditions, as many do. In these cases, though, they each had strugged, sadly, with alcoholism and, as we all know, management takes mindfulness and strategy. No judgment here, ever. (it can be difficult to know what I am saying in print). Utmost compassion for each of them, and for anyone, in any challenges/struggles... always.
pmedic- Thank you, too, for your expressions of sympathy.
Yes, UC can get carried away, unfortunately. Its important to stay on top of it. Always have an advocate whom knows your medical issues and needs if you are ever too impaired to advocate for yourself. : )
A good doctor helps a great deal! : )
I did not mean to take this OT. My Apologies.
When the juice is first made, it has more live enzymes!
I have read that most juices will keep, refrigerated, for up to 3 days. However, the enzyme levels drop as the juice ages.
We are all stressing caution with starting juicing. A little goes a long way. This is powerful stuff to the body. Very potent, especially if you have not detoxed your body in awhile. Some published protocols are too too, too fast, and people get diarrhea and/or a herxheimer reaction. So easy does it!
Also, had read that the high sugar content in carrot juice can spike blood glucose. Yet, carrot juice is important to use. One of the suggestions I have read about this is to dilute the carrot juice with 1 part carrot juice to 2 parts purified water and then add a healthy oil, if you can tolerate an oil. (An Omega-3, like flax oil, for instance) This seems to help to stabilize the blood glucose a bit more, slowing down absorption just a bit, and makes this more tolerable to anyone with glucose intolerance and/or with diabetes. There were studies done on this. I do not know the link right off hand, but will try to add it in when I return from my trip. I am sure it is also avail on a simple search, as well. : )
Happy Juicing! With Gratitude,