Simkingh said...
Thanks for the reply I appreciate your help. Not tried any other biologics, but also taking azathioprine and pentasa which I've been on since 2008. When you say surgery was hard to go through, how do mean? I am worried slightly about the recovery times and more time off work. But apart from that will do anything to get better.
Was tested for c-diff in hospital and it was negative.
I had surgery starting in June of 2015 and finishing in Nov. I had 3 step. Most people have 2 step and can get through it quite a bit faster. I am not sure about
people who have 2 step, but with my 3step, I was able to get back to work within a week or two of each step. it is a long healing time in general and I imagine there are always out-lyers who have the worst possible time frame (6 or 8 weeks per surgery) but in my case, I was able to work from home within 7 days of each step. Step 3, I was out of the hospital and back to functional by day 3. I will tell you, after getting home from the final step, there has been quite a long healing process, but I never let it stop me from doing what I wanted to. UC on the other hand was always stopping me from living my life. I do not want to paint a perfect picture. I go to the bathroom more than normal people, but the process of going is much easier, more like urinating. Other than that, I would say I am 100% and off all meds. I do believe my positive experience, from the short healing time to the final result is probably partially a result of using the best surgeon I could find in my city. I am in a big city too... I can't say for sure how it would have gone otherwise but I didn't want to take any risks. In the end, who cares about
the other details, as long as you come through doing well. The problem is that there are no guarantees, even with surgery. I am doing welll now, out partying, living life, loving every second, but in a year, who knows? I am aware of this and I take it one day at a time, I can't let the what ifs bring me down. Might as well enjoy each day.