Uceris seems to help best with mild/moderate inflammation. Severe requires high doses of prednisone. It's worth a try.
Yes, rowasa can loosen stool slightly as not all of it's liquid is absorbed. It's only 60ml of fluid, not a lot, so it's not going to
open up the water spigot to max, by any means. Certainly Sulfate allergies can cause a drastic worsening of diarrhea. Enemas have sulfates in them.
I don't know about
demand, but you can back your request up with evidence, and ask for their rational should they say no. Perhaps there's a good reason. Certainly, 4 week intervals are common here, a number of posters use that interval. Sometimes even a 15 mgs per kilogram dose is even used (not that common). However remicade does have a maximum effectiveness and if antibodies are in play, then there might be a point where it's time for a different medication or surgery. Have you had a infliximab trough (minimum) concentration and antibodies blood test done within 24 hours of your next remi infusion (prometheus or labcorp do them)? You could certainly try another biologic, perhaps entyvio which is a different type of biologic.
There's always other treatments to try (humira, simponi, entvyio, cyclosporine, methotrexate, stellera clinical trials or Xeljanz) if you're so persuaded. Some fight tooth-and-nail to try everything available before going to surgery. Others try one or two biologics then call it quits, go to surgery. It mostly depends how bad your current quality of life is, and how long you can personally budget yourself to fight and try other treatments.
Have you had a surgery consultation yet (a no obligation q&a session)? If not then perhaps explore that route to see what it'll entail, and get your questions/concerns answered. Knowledge is power and all of that sorta thing