mzpkb said...
Metamucil is psyllium husk, and both seed powder and husk are soluble fiber. I'll have to look into the relative benefits of the two.
Oops! I hadn't heard or seen any reference to effects of sulphates. What foods/drinks etc in bother you?
Depression/anxiety symptoms appeared first, definitely. I'm 26, have a totally reliable mestrual cycle. Have just started keeping a diary of all the above.
I haven't been on pednisone suppositories.
One day my clothes will fit exactly how I want them to, then the next they'll still fit, but they'll be noticeably tighter in areas. As long as I eat decent portions and healthy food, I can wear the same's just a matter of how they fit and look on me. Very annoying.
I think you are already well informed, still I highly encourage you to go through old threads on this forum. This place is loaded with information, may be you will not have to ask many questions. (I spent about
a month digging old threads when I was new).
To give you quick answer on psyllium husk vs seed, husk can be irritating to your inflamed mucosal lining where as seed won't. Digestion of seed by intestinal flora produces butyrate which helps healing mucosa.
Clothes issue, very very frustrating. I started buying jeans and trousers with elastic extension bands (adjustable waist) because I have become more an apple.
If you dig week old threads or something, I posted on serotonin thread about
connection between serotonin and IBD. Low serotonin could result in depression (in addition to other factors). IBD results in low serotonin. I am still going through the literature to see if anybody has worked on it.
Otherwise, have a word with you GI and OB/GYN on this issue (and if you find an answer, do post it here)