Hey TP177,
I'm on Mesalazine prolonged release granules - 3gms, Folvite and Adalimumab - 40mg bi-monthly.
I had been diagnosed of UC on September,2015, though now they doubt that it might be Chron's. I have been adviced certain tests.
Thanks to all..Like my doctor advised, not to restrict my diet out of fear. I have been experimenting a lot and have failed many a times, like when I took milk, I realized am intolerant to milk. But cheese and yogurt suits me well.
I have not tried coffee without milk, kind of afraid. But again regarding chocolates, I still don't know how I might react. Sometimes I take a bite or two and am fine, while at other times I feel like maybe am intolerant to chocolates also. But I don't know how to give up on chocolates !!
Also, have you guys noticed that many a times it's NOT related to what we eat..I have noticed this. Life is so confusing. Am just 22 and feel like things are falling apart already. But anyway, hope for the best! Thanks..