mosheen said...
The denial stems from this absolutely categorical diagnosis- but no understanding of how the conclusion was drawn. I accept that whatever was detected surely points to a UC, but are there no other conclusions which could be investigated? Certainly none were. Couldn't the water I'm drinking contain something that caused irritation and subsequent reaction? A nasal drip? Contaminants from the workplace or other source finding its way into my stomach?
I know this feeling!
I wanted so badly to be like:
Well, if I just stop drinking coffee and eat a steak once a week, all my issues will go away and I'll be cured." I am pescetarian, FYI, which actually from what I have read is probably the best thing I could be doing right now, lol. Despite that my body is trying to kill itself.
So, cool/horrifying thing I found out yesterday: Nicotine is an alternative suppression drug that actually can keep people in remission from their symptoms. I quit two years ago and my thank you from my body was a UC diagnosis. Smoking won't give you IBD, but if you have the genetics for it already and you are a smoker, lots of times your IBD emerges upon quitting.
I was in total denial. Then I was super angry and feeling sorry for myself. Then I googled the crap out of this and have come up with an attack plan. If my body wants to wage a war with me, I'm going to be ready for it. All I can hope for now is that I win the war even if it wins some of the battles.
What is currently helping me work through this is two-fold. Maybe it will help you a bit.
1) I have a guy in my life who is making me feel super normal with this and it's a new relationship. Without that part of things I would surely be super depressed.
2) I have decided to treat this disease like a massive allergic reaction to what I am ingesting. I am no stranger to allergies, so this is just annoying as hell as opposed to terrifying.
This forum has helped me a ton. I finally joined recently after kind of just perusing things because I can see that there are far worse Dx's out there than what I am currently living with (perspective) and everyone on here seems to really have a sense of humor and a generous spirit of helping each other.