U B Tough said...
DRR-- Entyvio was like water for me. Did nothing and I stayed on it for 7 months. I keep wondering if I would have been in this situation had we chosen Stelara or humira instead; but alas I guess it's not helpful to look back. Where is your fistula? I hope it heals for you. I restart hyperbaric oxygen next month and hope mine will heal with that.
That stinks, I'm sorry. Remicade and Humira were like that for me. I stayed on each of them longer than I probably should have because I wanted them to work so badly. By the time I started Entyvio, I was in pretty bad shape - so much so that my doctor had me see a surgeon. He was afraid that if I waited to find out if Entyvio was going to work and it didn't, I wouldn't have any time to make informed decisions. I ended up getting lucky for the first time since my diagnosis, and saw a huge improvement after the third infusion. I still have frequency and urgency issues, but I can usually manage and I am no longer on steroids.
My fistula is horseshoe shaped, with an
opening right next to my anus and one on each cheek, all in a line. I had lots of swelling issues at first, but now it's not too bad as long as I do regular sitz baths. Now and then it will swell up despite the sitz baths, but except for once I've been able to express the fluid myself in the shower. My fistula's first birthday is coming up soon.
I really feel for you, and will keep you in my thoughts. I hope that you find some relief soon.