Posted 5/11/2017 2:16 PM (GMT 0)
The recommended 1st line treatment for UC is 4,800 milligrams of oral mesalazine and 4,000 milligrams of rectal route mesalazine as an enema. Ask about those. Rectal foams and suppositories are also options. They're mild anti-inflammatory medications that are well tolerated by most without side effects.
You're new to this so i would certainly start by listening to your doctor's suggestions and make sure standard doses for oral and rectal anti-inflammatory meds are used. Many who've ultimately gone the alternative route have done so due to medications not working for them, or at least not well enough for them that another solution is necessary for a good quality of life.
You can certainly mention diets and supplements just expect your gasteroenterologist to poo poo the idea. I just don't want you walking in with great expectations about an alternatives discussion and getting shut down quickly. Most doctors will outright say those things do not work or at least be skeptical (a minority discuss alternatives). Obviously, some here use those as part of their UC treatment and have some successes and try them on your own, and relief from UC suffering is a wonderful thing regardless of method used. Not at all to dissuade you from trying any treatment, but rather to set up realistic expectations from what conventional medical doctors are like.
LDN is off-label (not approved) for UC treatment, so expect a no from a gasteroenterologist. Often general practitioners are better for prescribing LDN. Often LDN is tried later when other treatments fail. It's not often a frontline, first treatment attempt for new patients.
You've got a long list of things to try. It's best to try them individually rather than all at once, as then you can understand what is or is not working for you. There are many alternatives that won't work for you and a few that might help. UC is hyper individual and no one can guarantee any treatment will or will not work for you. It's all trial and error, there's no one size fits all, and absolutely no instant gratification. Rather you need a lot of time and patience. Many of the alternative aficionados have been working on their solution for years.