DBwithUC said...
I always say FMT is going to lead to better and better probiotic treatments. the future is not and never was in crap. It is in the biotics. The sooner the figure out what biotics in what combination, and how to deliver them live and cheap, well the sooner the better.
I think you're right, that in the distant future, this is probably how diseases like this will be treated. In the immediate future, I think it'll be far too difficult to understand and we'll have a few studies (some of them conflicting) about
which strains seem to help or might help, and we'll take an "everything but the kitchen sink" approach and throw a bunch of bacteria in there derived from feces. Scientists will someday learn that a lot of it did nothing for the most part and only a few bacterial strains were key. OR, we're all missing different combinations and we'll continue to use the "everything but the kitchen sink" approach or we'll be able to be profiled using samples of our own and given a designer probiotic to match.