Hello all!
Good day to you, I hope all is well. I am currently searching for a Gastroentologist, or UC Specialist to help me switch to a natural treatment, rather than a typical prescript
ion. From all the Doctors I have seen in my 15 years of living with UC, I have noticed they all like to prescribe medication, but will not entertain me with other forms of treatment.
Have any of you found a specialist that is very good with treating patients using alternative methods?
I have done lots of research, and read clinical studies on UC treatment from using VSL#3 probiotics, to glutamine, and everything in between. Lots of good info on these alternate treatments. However, I cannot find a reputable specialist that is
open to these more natural remedies.
I am specifically looking for a Dr or specialist that will help guide me through alternate treatments including:
Advice the best supplements for my case of UC.
Determine the best time of day to take supplements.
Perform periodic testing (blood test) to confirm or deny treatment.
Discuss diet changes and benefits.
Has anyone worked with this type of specialist??
ALL input is appreciated!
If you post your experience, others trying to make the switch would benefit as well!!
location is not a limiting factor for me. I am willing to travel worldwide to work with a great Dr or specialist.