Posted 11/13/2017 3:12 PM (GMT 0)
Glad to hear your UC is doing well with Canasa!
Mucus is our very least concerning symptom and often isn't at all tied to UC inflammation. As an example thereof, our Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) friends experience mucus within their stools, and by definition they cannot have inflammation (IBS is inflammation-free).
Normally, the insides of our intestines are covered with a thin layer of mucus that is a defensive layer that keeps bacteria and our internal body tissue from coming into contact. When our intestine is irritated, it begins over producing mucus as a response. As a result thereof, we can see globs of white mucus within our stool. Irritation doesn't necessarily involve inflammation but sometimes it can be one and the same. Some of us notice increased mucus before flares, but it isn't always a tale-tale sign. You could have an IBS in addition to IBD, some of us do.
Overall, I wouldn't worry about seeing mucus within your stool. I see it off and on while in a clinical-remission with my UC. We can assume that our large intestine is a bit messed up, as we have UC, and sometimes mucus is a reminder of that even when we are doing well.