Sorry to hear you are hospitalized and struggling. I hope you get the care you need and results as quick as possible.
Texas1992 said...
They have started me on Iv steroids since Monday. I feel zero difference. Urgency, bleeding, no appetite, pain is all still the same after 4 days and yet they haven't changed a thing to my plan. Is this normal?
There really is no normal, we can respond fast to steroids or slow. Depends on how severe our flare is.
Texas1992 said...
I've been on solumedrol ? Is that a stronger version of prednisone ?
Yes. It can be given with much stronger dosages by IV under nurse supervision. If the solumedrol doesn't kick in, you can ask for Cyclosporine instead, which is another strong rescue medication for us.
Texas1992 said...
Does Humira work that quickly?? Also if I take Humira tomorrow, my next dose will be in 15 days correct? I had planned to be on Christmas vacation during that time period.. (hoping I can still go)... is Humira hard to travel with if I need to take the dosage while on vacation?... or should I plan on not going altogether?
Humira can work quickly or take up to 6 weeks to show results, it varies on flare intensity. The majority fall somewhere in the middle, seeing results in about
3 weeks time. Dosing is variable, as you are hospitalized it's perfectly reasonable to ask for a higher dosage and more frequent injections, which might kick start humira and get you quicker results. Humira can be a good rescue medication when taken in larger doses with greater frequency. Ask your doctor on this, can you give me the highest dosage up-front and see if I respond quicker?
You can take humira pens with you during travel. We had a poster who hiked for several months while on Humira. The key is to keep the humira pens cold. You can put them in a refrigerator, in a cooler with an icepack, etc. You can pre-clear medications with airport security, and travel with them. You can often get extra humira pens if you are going to be abroad and traveling for a while.