So hello, folks - I'm having my third flare. I have fairly mild (touch wood) proctitis and there's been a lot of remission over the seven years since I was diagnosed. I'm allergic to mesalamines and can't take steroids, so I'm looking for non-hospital suggestions which I might not have tried yet.
I'm taking probiotics and l-glutamine, which worked well on me last time. They're clearly doing some good as things haven't got massively diarrhific - I don't have much urgency and I'm only going three times a day. But there's blood and mucus every time and the stools are between Bristol scale 4 & 6, which is not great.
My diet is basically soft veg that don't hate me, soft fish and soft chicken, rice, and bananas. No wheat, no dairy beyond a tiny bit of butter, no added sugars or processed gack of any kind. (Ye gods I miss chocolate. And curry)
Things wot I am considering:
curcumin: can you take this while bleeding, and if so, has anyone had any luck with it?
psyllium husk powder: ditto
anything else? I've forgotten all the things since my last flare