Three steps can be good because you get to try out the end ileo. The loop is not really a good indication of what it's like to live with an ileo. The loop has very fast transit and you can get dehydrated easily, they also block easier... With my end ileo i could live very normally. It was quite nice, and it was fairly quick that i went from very, very ill to feeling okay.
The immediate aftermath of the first step is difficult though. The hospital managed my pain very well, but the first few days are very tough. You may be crampy and uncomfortable and you have to push yourself to get up and try to move around. Although you may find the end ileo easy to manage, you will still have your rectum at that point.
Some UCer suffer with proctitis in the rectum even though they are disconnected. it can be mild, or severe. For me, it was mild and meant going to the bathroom in the morning to release whatever was in the rectum. Other people i know had a harder time, they suffered with tenesmus and bloody discharge from the bum. It's all temporary though, that's what's important to remember.
I felt a lot of relief after meeting with the surgeon who was doing the procedure. I knew he was qualified, and he was confident he could help, and that my quality of life would be better. Here I am living my life again!
I did an MRE prior to surgery. I don't remember what the prep was, but I do remember when I showed up for the test they gave me a bunch of barium to drink. It was nasty and it made me have to poop. omg. What a terrible day that way. You're in the hospital so at least you won't have to go very far. I had to drive home. i was scared i would have an accident.
Feel free to ask me if you have any questions