I've seen a number of questions on apps. There are some basic symptom trackers, but nothing all of that good.
Why track? Just know that the only certainty with UC is actually uncertainty itself. UC loves to throw lots of random things at us, a good day followed by a bad day and lots of uncertainty. It can be super frustrating and drive our anxiety through the roof (a common refrain: my day can be made or ruined based on my first couple bms of the day)!
Even in a remission my bms vary day-to-day in firmness (different varieties of solid from picture-perfect to looser with wavy edges). Occasionally I will go an extra time than my normal, sometimes for consecutive days. That is all perfectly normal and expected for us. Those with UC, myself included, are a very anxious bunch and we look at anything different and worry it is a sign of an impending flare. We look at our leavings in the toilet bowl and try to read the future, much like a fortune teller with tea leaves, and with probably about
the same level of accuracy lol.
I have a mantra for you: flush before looking. Keep your bum on the bowl, reach back and flush. Then get up and wipe, and flush again.
I do not want to eliminate all due vigilance and pooh pooh all concern with having a chronic illness though and looking out for impending flares. What is important is this: urgency, total bms a day, and blood on tp when wiping. If there is a spike in any one of those things, and it stays elevated for 4-5 days then be concerned. One off bad days and randomness are a part of this illness but a new and consistent trend cannot be ignored
But you know, if the average healthy person looked at poop as much as we did then they'd see a lot of random variation as well. They don't look and don't care or notice. I'll make a point to pointout (tenderly a bit joking to her) that my wife is pooping more than me in that day (which happens occasionally), "seriously honey, I'm the one with bowel troubles and this is your what 2nd or 3rd time? lol." She has days like that too and no bowel troubles at all, variations even among normies.