MariaMaria said...
Hi VickyUC, I'm in the same boat. I was never a heavy smoker (3-5/day), I quit cold turkey 10 years ago and developed UC 2 months later. I now hate smoking but if I'm in a flare and the usual drugs aren't doing their thing, I do find relief from 2-3 cigs a day. I've also tried vaping, not the same effect. It shocks me every time I go back to the cigs how effective they are. I have a lot of guilt associated with it, but I just try to treat it as medicine: stick to my prescribed regiment of 2-3 a day and ween off as soon as I'm back on an even keel. I ask myself, what's worse in the long run, this regiment or another round of prednisone? That's up for debate, but at least I can avoid the mood swings and moon face.
Oh I am still dealing with the moon face! Been on pred for almost a year. Finally off it now and I think it must have something to do with the smoking..... problem I have is that I quickly crept up to 6-7 a day!!
Any way I’m going back to my vape this week to see if things deteriorate I have to put it too the test one way or another. Wish me luck.
It’s madness that this actually seems to work for some of us.