2019 is turning out to be a monumentally forgettable year for me, health-wise. In May I got sick with a bad cold, but due to work pressures, mostly worked through it. I never quite shook it, and it came back as a postviral illness. My doc put me on a 10 day course of prednisone, which helped break the back of it. However, it also trashed my immune system (which was probably already compromised). I had two bouts of athletes foot that simply would not respond to treatment, minor cuts that would not heal, and worst of all, an ingrown nail that was causing a LOT of discomfort (and got so bad the nail has died off and is currently regrowing).
I had a script
for some doxycycline, which I held off taking for some time, but eventually caved and filled it. It was exactly what I needed to fight the many skin infections I had, but now a week after finishing the course, I'm flaring quite badly. Oh, and I'm also sick with a weak cold again
Do others find the same thing after taking antibiotics? My doc is always reluctant to prescribe me antibiotics because of my UC, and this may well be the reason why, but I'd just like to hear from others who have been through the same thing and see how they managed to pull themselves back out of it.