If your GI said you can take ANY painkiller they are not really educating you. Dentists may not be fully informed about
UC and what meds can cause problems.
Good replies above, hope you read them.
Generally UC people use Tylenol products rather than NSAID's
https://www.verywellhealth.com/nsaids-non-steroidal-anti-inflammatories-and-ibd-1941656Comment by DBwithUC also says Celebrex is OK (I'll tuck that in my notes if needed).
I have always stuck with Tylenol and no problems.
In past I've had extensive dental work (root canals, implants, crowns) and never needed strong pain meds after the in-office injection wore off. And I'm a wuss about
Certainly avoid clindamycin since there are many other choices. Amoxocillin has never hurt my gut but you need to see if it affects yours and take notes for future since you are young and UC and dental work will re-occur.