Thoreau said...
Sara14 said...
It made me flare, too! I wasn't in as stable or long a remission as you, but I was fine as long as I stayed on Uceris for the past year. Then 10 days after the second Moderna dose, started flaring. Really sorry this ruined your awesome remission. I'm looking into surgery now.
Sara - Sorry for my very slow reply, but how are you doing now?
I was going to ask if you tried Entyvio yet, but I saw on a signature of yours on another post that you did and it didn't work :-/. My GI doctor seems fond of it, saying it's gut-specific so there should be less side-effects associated with it.
I'm personally very averse to biologics until I'm unable to leave home due to severity of the flare... then I am okay with them (risk vs reward). My only one I've done so far is Remicade. It kinda helped, but also gave me a chronic pain issue that's taken about
a decade to subside.
I honestly don't know what else is out there medicine wise it's been so long since I've been in a flare. I saw you posted about
another one coming out recently (originally for MS I think someone said).
I'm curious if those that flare from the Moderna vaccine are going to have a more challenging time getting back to remission, due to some unknown (to me) way it operates in our body.Hi Thoreau. Sorry you're still flaring. And sorry all that doctor cared about
was getting you off Tramadol (which is really pretty safe and harmless, IMO). Yeah, Entyvio did nothing for me, unfortunately. No side effects but I also couldn't get off steroids the entire 5 months I tried it. Maybe it would work for you though.
I had to go on prednisone (was doing fine on Uceris before my vaccine). I improved but then my (now former) GI wanted to scope me, not sure why because by that time I was feeling mostly fine due to pred and it only showed one area of mild to moderate inflammation from 20-30 cm. Mine has been skipping areas the last 2 scopes too. He told me to get off pred if I could so I did an insanely fast taper (4 days on 20 mg, 2 days on 10 mg, then off). After the scope, I got super bad again (has happened twice now after scopes with him). I had to go back on 40 mg pred and now I'm improving again. I don't know what is going to happen after I get down on the pred, and I have no idea if I should get surgery next or what. I was going to try Xeljanz but just found out my cholesterol is really high so my new GI told me I shouldn't take it. Yeah, there is the brand new MS one too but the side effects sound extremely scary and it is so new.
If I were you, I'd be scared of biologics too after your experience with Remicade! As far as safety profiles go, Entyvio is the best. I think Stelara is second best. Good luck! I hope you can get things back under control soon.