I'm going thru just what you are right now- tell me about
frustration!!!!! The only new med I'm on right now is Cipro- my doc told me it's used as a Pred alternative, & it does seem to help a little. After Remicade, it's my understanding that surgery is the next step. If you opt for it, of course. I'm looking into Humira, but my doc won't give it to me yet! Which also frustrates me, but I understand his reasoning- since it's not FDA approved for use in UC, it hasn't been sufficiently tested in UC patients. Come on.....!!!!! But I have a 2nd opinion consult (at the urging of my GI) with a really reputable doctor at Beth Israel Deaconess Hosp. in Boston, & am hoping he can give me some info/advice, etc. I wish I had better news for you.... I also felt fabulous when the Remicade first worked. I've also had 4 infusions, & have not yet scheduled the 5th- not sure right now if I wll or not, seeing as it's not working anymore.