Wreck said...
I had a Barium Enema done (what an awful experience) and I am going for tests for my small intestine where I will need to ingest some sort of liquid. If anyone has had this procedure done, can you advise me if it is painful as the previous procedure had me doubled over with major cramps. I also went for blood tests. Since I have yet to go for the second test this coming Friday, my follow up appointment with my doctor is only Dec. 13th. I will not know till then for sure what it is I do have.
I've had it done and it's not painful at all, not pleasant, but not painful. You just have to drink a lot of really chalky liquid and get a lot of X-Rays.
If it were me, I would insist on a colonoscopy. If you have a lot of red blood coming out, I doubt it would be from your upper GI tract. You would have to be bleeding pretty bad for it to be coming from there I would think.
Like someone said already, the prep is the worst part of a scope. If you get one, I'd suggest that you insist on Miralax for the laxative. It is much easier on you than Fleet's Phosphosoda, doesn't have a disgusting flavor, and doesn't cause cramping like other laxatives. It also works very fast, so you don't end up sitting on the commode most of the evening.
Don't worry about
being graphic in your descript
ions here. Most of us have not only heard graphic, but seen graphic. When I was diagnosed, every time I went to the bathroom it looked like mashed strawberries, so I know graphic.