Hi, just wanted to post an update for those that have been so suppotive to me along the way.
Met w/Nephrologist on Friday and my proteins jumped from 3.2 to 9, which is not good at all. When I let the Doc know I still had some tenderness from the biopsy, he had me admitted to the hospital after I left his office to to an MRV to check to see if I had a blood clot and they also did ultrasounds on my legs to check my veins b/c of my edema. No blood clots in my kidney and my veins are fine.
I did have to spend my very first night in a hospital, b/c it took so long to get the MRV (a little different from the MRI) just in case they needed to give me some blood thinners which they did not but it was already so late there was no on there to read the test and the test needed to be redone because it was not 'timed correctly' that was at 9:30 at night and I had it redone at 11am the next day (today) and got released today @ 4pm.
The doc is upping my Diovan to help the inflammation in my kidneys but still keeping me at the same level of prednisone (I am starting to get moon face) and if that does not help, may need to put me on something else. I think I do not respond well to prednisone, I think my UC only got better from the hydrocortisone enema's (that is my theory).
Well at least I am only having 1-3 bm's a day now and dealing w/this and not 25 disasters a day like before.
Also Doc prescribed lasix for my edema but only to take if it get's really bad not to take more than every other day. I am going to be really good about my salt and make sure to walk 30min a day and drink lots of cranberry juice and see how that will go.
Always fun times! Also, I had planned my Mom's bday for today and was luckily enough to be able to reschedule w/the whole family tomorrow, everyone is just so good to me......I feel like I don't deserve it.
Trying to stay positive. Hope all is well w/everyone else. xo