To answer your Remicade question: my doctor still observes the protocol of giving both Imuran/6mp and Remicade together, and he tells me most GIs in Canada are still of the view that there is enough proof to show that taking the immunosuppresant helps reduce your chance of developing anti-bodies. However, he also told me that the GIs in Toronto have started to take the opposite view and are now giving Remicade alone.
Consequently, before going on Remicade, I did a bit of research and read the most recent study out that says that immunosuppressants only help a bit a first in reducing your chance of developing Remicade anti-bodies; the study goes on to say the risk of taking the two drugs together (cases of lymphoma only developed in patients taking both drugs) may not be worth the small benefit you may gain. [I can try to find the study for you online if you like - I just googled 6mp and Remicade. I believe it is a European study.]
I decided that for this reason, and for other reasons (namely how comfortable I feel taking these drugs should I want to become pregnant again), to go with taking Remicade alone. My GI supported my decision.
I had my first infusion today. Fingers crossed!