well, when i was hospitalized for 7 days a few weeks ago, my dr. was giving me 50mg hydrocortisone injections 4x a day.
this gave me mouth thrush. also caused by prednisone.
anyone else have this happen to them?
it is like soggy bread caked onto the insides of your cheeks and gums and tongue and back of your throat and you CAN'T scrape it off or brush it off with toothbrush.
it just sits there and is uncomfortable. that is mouth thrush.
well, when i got home and started the prednisone as well as mouth drops Nystatin (mycostatin) it pretty much went away. just a teeny weeny bit sometimes. i take 1ml dropper full at night before bed.
since the hospital EVERYTHING tastes OFF. its really weird. the flavor is there in all my regular foods, but its all just OFF a little.
has anyone else had this problem?
is it the prednisone
is it the mouth drops?
is it something else?
its starting to bug the hell outta me. i just want everything to taste like its supposed to taste. its just not right.