And some of us don't believe that food is what causes/heals/prevents UC flares.
Contrary to the disagreement, good food intake is what keeps us "healthy"....we can be healthy overall while living with chronic disease, however.
Those who do follow a good food intake/exercise regimen still have "some" symptoms...or they wouldn't be so vigilent regarding their food intake.
There are food symptoms and there are flare/UC symptoms...for many they're one in the same.
Do your homework and research and try to find a balance between the two. If you're desperate in denying one and fully embracing another you'll have more added distress about what to do. You can follow any of the diets that are geared toward UC just because you WANT to....and use your meds according to what your needs are. Do it as an experiment...and don't take every word for gospel. You'll just set yourself up for many disappointments.
Pick an option, try it...if it doesn't work or you're not satisfied, find other options. Not everything works for everyone, not everything is safe for everyone. I'd NEVER choose some things others are doing...they don't interest me and I'm OK with that. My meds work great and biopsy results say I'm doing fine. That's all I need to know what I'm doing is OK.
Regarding the you are what you eat, pb4 is right in presenting that.....and I do need to make food changes and start exercise for my overall body shape/stamina/health..especially since I'm getting older...I do know that as I age, my needs are different...and I would like to experience feeling well while I age gracefully....