Maybe nystatin is what you would prefer. It kills yeast in the "gut", with few, if any "side effects". You have UC symptoms...I'm guessing, D, gas, loose stools, urgency,etc. That is exactly what yeast overgrowth symptoms can be. My doctors could not find any proof of that for me, with so many tests I had done. On my own, I learned that UC, Crohn's, diabetes, allergies, high cholesterol, arthritis, etc. can have a fungal etiology, meaning that it can be caused from fungus, and not just candida. There are over 200 different fungi. Aflatoxin B1, a carcinogen, is found universally in all grains, including corn, and peanuts. You mentioned that your GI mentioned someone going into remission after taking diflucan. Makes sense...if UC can have a fungal etiology, killing thte fungus, and restoring your natural bowel flora, you get better. I would take the diflucan, under my doctor's supervision, and go from there. As well, maybe you could restrict your grains and sugars to speed up your results (fungi LOVE grains and sugar). That may be why you are craving them, as well. The only side effects I can foresee would be the die-off effect, when the toxins are being released from your body. It is good you are questioning your doctor, however, Too often, we are puppy dogs and take whatever doctors pass our way, assuming they know it all. Let us know what you decide. :)