So as you can tell, I am still new at all of this. I just went and had my annual pap with my primary care physician. She brought up to me that blood clots can be a side affect of being on birth control with UC. I also got to thinking about
all the blood loss. I just have so many questions.
Is it true that the risk of blood clots go up for those with UC?
Will it cause me to be more anemic?
What kind of birth control should I use?
I currently do not have a sexual partner. I am on the birth control to get everything under control. Before I was on the pill I would have menstrual cramps so sever that I would not be able to get out of bed and have cramps so bad that it would cause me to puke a few times the first day of my cycle. I really don’t want to have to go back the dealing with the cramps and vomiting on top of the UC. On the other hand I am a little afraid of the blood clots.
Any input? I would love to hear about
what you guys have to say about
it all.