Welcome to the forum. Hope you will be able to find answers here. The support here is phenomenal. I'm wondering if the antibiotics are causing you to feel worse. I've read that can be a side effect. Why are you on antibiotics? Are you taking a good probiotic, as well? I'm only speaking for me, but there was light at the end of the tunnel. I had UC for 8 years, on and off meds, depending if I was in remission. You asked about
diet, well, I believe it can make a difference for some people. I realized, only by trial and error/experimenting, that my UC symptoms had a fungal etiology, maybe from living in a few blantantly moldy houses, taking birth control pills, using antibiotics, eating a lot of grains which are contaminated with mycotoxins over the years... dunno. Changing my lifestyle to a somewhat antifungal diet...reduced sugar, grains, yeast (actually none at all when I started until I got better) still makes all the difference for me. Some people say they aren't affected by food, either way. You will not know for sure which category you fall into unless you are willing to experiment yourself. There are no tests, as far as I know. I was like you, I didn't want to be on drugs the rest of my life, and they only worked so long, and then I had to find something different, with more side effects. I am not against drugs. They helped me get through a lot of bad times. If I hadn't tried an antifungal program, I would still be on them. No one was more surprised than me when I started getting better just by changing my diet, let me tell you. There are options out there. If some sound worthy to you to try, do so. No one can tell you how your body will react, with the drugs or diet. Good luck. I'm sure you will hear a lot of valuable advice and experience here on this forum.