Just got back from Mayo Clinic in Rochester last Friday. Today, I get a call from my GI there. Said I tested positive for Cytomegalovirus (CMV) in the CMV special stains made from my colon biopsies taken there. I will also now be taking an antiviral drug to knock the CMV in my colon out. The thinking is that this is at least a contributing factor why I have been unable to get this latest flare up of colitis under control at maximized therapy (prednisone 40-60 mg), Humira, canasa suppositories).
Has anyone had any experience being diagnosed with CMV in their colon? Has anyone had any experience after antiviral therapy to share the results from this treatment and whether or not their UC went promptly back into remission after the 21 day antiviral treatment period? Have also consulted with the surgical team there for 2 stage J-pouch surgery as a distinct possibility in the next 4-6 weeks after the Humira leaves my body.
37 year history of UC, left-sided, flaring since Oct. 07. Prednisone (at 15 mg. now, Imuran 225 mg, Humira)