I'm curious as to what other people do when they flare...
I tell my hubby for sure. Well, he'd find out one way or another. This flare I've been giving him a bit more info that he probably wants - but it HURTS! so he needs to know. I usually down play the issues, but that's not really a good idea - so I'm trying not to do that anymore. If I'm feeling good for a few minutes - he knows about that too.
Obviously the doc. We don't live near any other relatives, so no reason to tell them. But do you tell your parents? Anyone who lives with you would need to know. Do you tell co-workers?
I don't really want it going around the work place - only two co-workers know I have UC - but I'm in the bathroom so much now that someone HAS to notice. I feel bad for the guy who faces the door that leads to the bathroom...
How do you bring up the subject?