Hello, I am from the Fibro, Depression, and A/P Forums! (sometimes more!) But, I had to say, I feel right at home on this forum as well. I dont...or havent been diagnosed with UC. I have heard of it, but never gave it much thought. But, after reading today, I feel like I fit right in. I have been having problems for about
2-3 years now. I am only 16 now, but I remember a few summers ago, it was in July, I was outside and got a really bad lower stomach cramp so I ran inside to the bathroom. That was the first time there was ever blood. I remember being so scared and thinking I was going to die.
I didnt die...but I have lived with it. I was to scared to say anything. (and it would take all day to explain that I dont talk to my parents about things, and we ARENT close so thats not an option) But, it went away after that. A few months later, it happened again. But, it would go away again. the first time I got the stomach cramps, it seemed there was more blood but it would linger for a few days and be less...then it would mysteriously go away...
I am going through that right now, and have been for a few days now.... I guess you guys call it a flare, like my fibro flares... But, even now it comes and goes approximately every few months it seems. It scares me when first time there is blood...but I just tell myself it will go away, and it does.
Aside from that, I get alot of stomach cramps. I have trouble sometimes with BM. I read the tread about comforty toilet seats! That is so me! But, also, I have this thing about getting up early. Anytime I get up early, it makes me have to go to the bathroom and I get cramps. Only when I get up early...it goes away, usually after a couple trips. But, I am fine later in the day. It also happens if I am awake to long. Weird, I know, but it does for some reason. And if I dont get a lot of sleep.
This proves hard because I get up early for school everyday. I can spot a bathroom a mile away! I have to know where they all are..and I refuse to go anywhere if I am not 100% sure I will be able to go to a restroom ASAP if needed.
It really scares me now that I have been reading. For so long I have just dealt with it. I was afraid of what it was. I just told myself I would take care of it when I was old enough to go to the doctor by myself. But, it has become such a problem...I just happened to read up on UC tonight and as soon as I started reading, it sounded exactly like me...
I am scared of it though. I was always afraid to say anything because of the tests necessary. I just freak out. So, I am not sure what I can do about it. I cant talk to my parents about it, nor my doctor. And, THIS is something I have never told anyone so....
Is there anything I can do to help myself? Any advice?