YES!!! Before I knew what I had in 2006 I was experiencing extrememly high anxiety b/c of the urgency from having to go to the bathroom and the panic associated with trying to get to the bathroom on time. A dr. first prescribed wellbutrin (Wrong) and it caused a full blown panic attack. The first one that I had ever had. After I had that I went to a gi and a primary care doc the gi diagnosed me with uc and putme on colazol, the primary care doc put me on lexapro (with xanax to take as needed until the initial anxiety caused by lexapro subsided). It was great. I went off lexapro b/c I wanted to get pregnant (now I'm finding that you can actually be on it while pregnant). Anyway, during my 2nd trimester the anxiety got really bad and i was afraid to take anything for it which made it worse and then before I knew it, bam...a bad flare up of uc. I had been in remission for over a year! No matter what anyone says, there has to be a connection between the two. Try and see what your doc says about
different anti anxiety meds, I know I like xanax as needed when not pregnant, but I also walk, yoga, and have talked to a psych about
breathing techniques for dealing with panic/anxiety issues. I also got it in the car when in traffic...i attribute that to being scared in traffic during a flare for lack of a bathroom!