I totally agree with BumTum - I've been a member of this site for about
a week and I already feel I've learned 100x more than what I learned from my doctor. I wouldn't necessarily say he doesn't know what he is doing or isn't concerned, this forum is just seems to be a very easy way to share thoughts/feelings with others who know exactly what we are all going through. I was diagnosed with left sided UC in November 2007, and I guess all I can say is I've had a lot of good days, and a fair number of bad days too. Fortunately, my "bad" days have not been that bad, compared to what I think alot of other people experience. The only thing that really bothers me and I'm still struggling with is going from the mentality of being able to eat whatever I want with no consequences, to now having to be cautious about
Good luck and keep your spirits up!